Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting is a key component of Water Neutral Gardens™. In the Monterey Bay region, we receive a range of 28–80 inches of rainfall from September to June each year. Rainwater is the best water for our plants because it is the purest, lacks salts and other minerals, and is without chemicals that our chlorinated municipal water systems supply. Plants love it, so it is a great way to flush any build up of salts in our soils. Here are some ways you can start harvesting rainwater:

One of eight rain barrels in a series is partially hidden by a screen and overgrown with beautiful passion flower vines.

Simple Rain Barrel Harvesting System


An easy way to start is with a simple rain barrel or rain barrels in series system. Some advantages of these rainwater harvesting systems are the water is free and you have an opportunity to connect with nature through the hydrological cycle. In addition, a 55 gallon rain barrel has the potential of collecting over 250 gallons per season. Since there are periods of drought during the fall, winter and spring, the rain barrel can be emptied repeatedly during that time and filled with the next rainfall. Cost: from $50–$200 depending on whether your do the work yourself and find recycled rain barrels. Setting up first flush diverters and pipe overflow to garden contributes to increased cost.

Infiltration Galleries and Basins

Another low-cost rainwater harvesting technique is to make a direct deposit of it from the roof into the soil. Infiltration galleries are deep trenches filled with wood chips or rock that allow water to slowly percolate into the soil instead of running into drains, out to the street, and into the Monterey Bay or creeks.

Infiltration basins, on the other hand, are shallower 6–18” deep areas where water can collect. Both systems allow for banking of water on-site in excess of what normal rainfall provides, and both conserve water during the dry season. Roots of shrubs and trees find these basins and develop deeper rooting to withstand drought. These systems can cost a few hundred or several thousand dollars depending on the scope of the project. A complete soil analysis is recommended in the early planning stages.

Five large rainwater tanks

Rainwater Harvesting Tank Systems

In addition to do-it-yourself projects such as rain barrels and infiltration galleries and basins, tank systems provide the option of capturing large amounts of rainwater for the garden. Love’s Gardens installs a variety of rainwater harvesting tank systems. Each system is designed to fit the property in question and meet the needs and interests of the property owner. We are happy to offer a free rainwater evaluation upon request. Just call us at 831-471-9100.

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